#101pastas 015: Spaghetti al pranzo di lavoro

This is a quick 10 minute pasta I’ve just knocked up for my lunch, hence the name working lunch pasta. It’s basically just an aglio, olio e pepperoncino with added anchovy, basil and lemon.

Serves 1
Pasta 100g
Olive oil
Anchovies half a tin
Garlic 1 plump clove
Dried chilli flakes to taste
Fresh basil a small handful
Lemon juice from a quarter

Bring a pan of water to the boil and cook your pasta, retaining a ladle of cooking water.

Chop your anchovies and fry them gently in a separate pan with a generous splash of oil. Once they start to liquify, throw in the garlic and chilli flakes and soften for a minute or two.

Add your pasta, mix thoroughly to coat and then add the basil and lemon juice and serve immediately with parmesan and lots of black pepper.