RECIPE: Tostadas con tomate [v]

I’m fortunate enough to live a few metres away from City View Off-Licence on Bethnal Green Road.  This shop is an absolute unit.  It’s been open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including Christmas Day, since I first moved here in 2004.  During the coronavirus crisis it hasn’t disappointed, remaining fully stocked for the duration with fresh fruit and veg, pasta, toilet roll and most importantly, essential booze.  They have daily deliveries of a cracking sourdough from Akdeniz Bakery in Stoke Newington.  They’re also constantly stocked with really fresh, ripe Mediterranean tomatoes.  I’m pretty sure I used to make this as a student with Happy Shopper white bread and those tomatoes that are grown underwater in the Netherlands. Which was a bit rubbish.  If you can get decent stuff I would highly recommend this Catalan tomatoes on toast joint.

Serves 2
Sourdough 2 slices
Garlic 1 clove
Tomato 1 ripe
Olive oil extra virgin
Salt & pepper

Toast the bread, in a toaster or a griddle if you want to be all fancy.

Chop the end of the garlic clove and rub it across the bread like you’re doing some colouring in.

Halve the tomato and rub it across the bread in the same way.

Sprinkle with fancy salt (Maldon flakes being the best).

Bit of pepper.

Drizzle olive oil across.